How to create unique quote pictures automatically?

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Expert and inspirational quotes are very popular and effective on Social Media. There are a great way to boost your engagement but creating quote images manually takes time. Luckily, you can now automate it!

Should you use quotes on your Social profiles?

QuickSprout found that Twitter accounts publishing quotes had 43% more followers than others while quotes themselves got 847% more retweets than questions. Quite a good reason to start posting quotes, isn't it?

What type of quotes can I post?

There are so many quotes you could be using!

You could do like Neil Patel and quote yourself. You could quote experts in your field. You may want to quote your customers with extract from testimonials. You may also decide to be inspirational and quote famous people who said great things. The great thing with quotes is that you can get someone else to say something that helps proving your point while getting lots of traffic, shares or retweets.

How often should I post quotes?

The frequency is not as important as the regularity. You could post one quote per day, or one per week, what matters most is to always publish your quote at the same time to build expectation with your audience.

You should setup something like the "Monday Quote" or the "Last quote before the weekend", something that your audience would come to expect and like frequently.

How can I automate my quote posting?

The good thing with quotes is that you don't have to create the content yourself, since you quote someone else.

Unfortunately, for your quote to have impact on your audience, you necessarily need a visual to go with it. Creating a new visual for each quote you publish is time consuming. Some great online tools like Canva or Pablo allow you to create beautiful visuals in seconds, but it still requires to create each image individually.

The Social Unicorn helps you automate this process so all your quotes get posted automatically, with a unique visual each time, without your intervention. Let's see how you can do it in 3 simple steps.

1/ Feed the Social Unicorn with quotes

Create a new series dedicated to quotes and insert all your quotes. An easy way to do it is to collect all your quotes in an excel sheet then simply copy/paste in the Social Unicorn to create all your quotes instantly.

You may also want to create a few variations of prefixes (for example "Did you know?", "Quote of the day", "[DAY] quote", "Inspirational quote:", etc.) and suffixes (you could add hashtags like #quote, #expertquote, #quoteOfTheDay, handles or mentions, or even links to your page).

Tips: you can use [DAY] in your text and it will automatically be replaced with the current day.

Don't forget to customize the fonts that will appear on your images. Click on the small gear icon to customize the font style, color and size.

2/ Upload a few backgrounds

The next step is for you to add a few background images for the quote to appear on.

Create a few pictures, all with the same size and similar color tone (either all light, so you could put some dark text over it, or dark background for you to put light color text over it) and upload them in the image section.

You may use unicolor backgrounds or photos with filters for example. Remember to keep the left and top edges empty so your text is readable, but you may add some logo in the down right corner.

Once done, save your series to have a preview of the result.

Tips: the more elements in your series (prefix / base / suffix / image), the more possible combinations.

3/ Schedule your series

Once your series finalized, you can schedule it. Go to the schedule page and select on which social account and at what time your quote should be posted each week. You can even schedule it for multiple days at once if you want to maximize the impact of your series.

Making it even more unique

If you wish to go one step further in the customization, the Social Unicorn enables you to use foreground pictures. What is that you ask?

Foreground images are images that will be placed on top of your backgrounds but below your text and that are specific to each post. With this, you could for example add a different logo, photo or placeholder on each quote you post.

Why should you use this feature?

A great example is with expert quotes. Say you have a few backgrounds ready to be published but you'd like the photo of the expert to appear below the quote. How to do it? With foregrounds! It is a bit technical, but you'll see, in the end it is very easy to do.

Prepare an image with transparent background with the same size as your background that contains the photo of your expert, in the down left corner for example, then select it as foreground for all the quotes from this specific expert.

Each time one of his quote is posted, a random background will be selected, but this specific foreground will be applied on top of it. This is especially efficient when you quote the same expert several times.

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